Monday, October 10, 2011

Worst Movie’s Sequels

Sequels are always fun to watch, when it is the harry potter series, die hard or the toy story. People actually make the sequels of a movie to bring back the old fun and memory of the previous movie in a different situation or to continue the same adventure again. This list that we present now is about the top ten worst movie sequels ever. The reason of their failure may be the new directors, story writers, casts or whatever, but still they were a flop.

10. American Pie Sequel

american pie 01 Top 10 Worst Movie’s Sequels

The original was no doubt a smash! And was among the top 50 comedy movies made ever. But when it was made again like American Pie 2 and American Pie wedding! Guys they were worst than the original movie. No doubt they display the hottest stuff available to them but they never had a proper story! The cheaper talent they presented was I think really inferior.

9. Batman and Robin

Batman and robin Top 10 Worst Movie’s Sequels
It is no doubt a great movie, but after its sequel release it became a flop! Nipples on a bat suit of George Clooney as a super hero! Man that was supposed to be for a BAT GIRL!!

8. The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

INDIANA JONES Top 10 Worst Movie’s Sequels
Indiana Jones has this sequel as the flop! Because this man they chose was a totally not made for this part. They needed a rugged, manly, good looking young actor instead of him.

7. Smokin’ Aces 2: Assassins Ball

smokin aces 2  Top 10 Worst Movie’s Sequels
This was supposed to be an action movie but Tom Beringer spent the 99% of his time mumbling around with Vinnie Jones. Seriously it is GROSS!

6. Crank 2: High Voltage

crank 2 poster Top 10 Worst Movie’s Sequels

This movie has the high ranking a little bit, just because the original movie wasn’t THAT great. But still it is considered to be the carbon copy of the original movie but kind of made parody of itself.

5. Blues Brothers 2000

blue brothers Top 10 Worst Movie’s Sequels
Blues are no doubt back but this movie has the lowest audience rankings in the list. The original movie displayed the best car chasing ever and had the wonderful performance of John Belushi. But this was not that good.

4. The Phantom Menace

The Phantom Menace Darth Top 10 Worst Movie’s Sequels
This was not so thrilling movie at all. Like you see the underwater scene when there was a large sea creature closing up on humans and then another strange creature comes and eats it away and you are like “what was that!!”. After some time again the same thing happens with different other larger creatures and the story goes on!

3. Caddyshack II

Caddyshack 2 Top 10 Worst Movie’s Sequels
This one is also among the lowest ranking movies according to IMDB. Well nothing to comment about it, you see it and you’ll know!

2. Boondocks Saints II: All Saints Day

boondock saints Top 10 Worst Movie’s Sequels
This one has the most pathetic story line. No doubt it was really the most anticipated movies because of the characters it was showing were coming again but when you see it you start thinking are they really those?

1. Godfather III

the godfather part 3 Top 10 Worst Movie’s Sequels
I think Sofia Coppola ruined this movie because of the “NO TALENT INVOLVED FACTOR”. Winona Ryder’s character could have been revised but seriously the director is no doubt good, but this sequel was a fail.

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